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THANK YOU for your interest in selling Nature’s Child Products in your store.

If you are in Australia, Please contact one of our distributers who are waiting to assist you with your enquiry.


Please view our FULL RANGE that you can purchase wholesale here

Contact the team at “The World of Good” Distribution Company here


Please contact UHP here


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Ordering Wholesale

There are 3 ways to order from Nature’s Child Wholesale.

  1. Order Online
  2. Order via phone 02 6685 6810
  3. Order via email (please email and order form)
  4. Order via the representative in your state (details below)

Downloadable Forms:

Product Guide

Order Form

Training Guide (TBA)


NSW/ACT: Cherry Blossom Agency

  • Kelly Gallagher: 0423 564 005
  • Simone Dunkerley: 0417 048 881

VIC/TAS/NT/WA: Byron Bay Office

  • Jannine Barron: 02 6685 6840

 QLD: Helen Woodward Brown

  • Jannine Barron: 02 6685 6840

SA: Amanda Christmas

  • Mobile: 0402 289 052
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Our Certification

Nature’s Child Skincare is proudly Certified by ACO. Australian Certified Organic. This is an internationally recognised certification of the highest quality.

ACO’s certification program and protocols are approved and accredited with the Department of Agriculture & Water Resources, the US Department of Agriculture, IOAS, Japan’s Minister for Agriculture Forestry & Fisheries, Korea’s NQAS’s and SAI Global. 

Australian Certified Organic (ACO) is Australia’s largest certifier for organic and biodynamic produce and has over 1500 operators within its certification system. ACO is a not for profit fully-owned subsidiary of Australia Organic Ltd.

ACO provides certification services to operators from all sectors of the organic industry. Certification ensures compliance with national production standards and allows trace back of all products to their origin.

The Organic Bud is found on an estimated 80% of certified organic products in the Australian marketplace.

Nature’s Child Organic Cotton Breast Pads, Baby Wipes, Face Wipes

Nature’s Child GOTS certification is one of the highest standards of international organic certification.  SKAL – our former certification body has changed its name and broadened its appeal by merging with Controlled Union. This has been a great  development.

Our new GOTS standard for NATURE’S CHILD ORGANIC BABY ESSENTIALS covers the production, processing, manufacturing,  packaging, labeling, exportation, importation and distribution of all natural fibres. The final products may include, but are not limited to fibre products, yarns, fabrics and clothes.

This means that every processing step must meet certain compulsory criteria. The criteria for the production process are laid down in the Global Organic Textile Standards (GOTS). They encompass every process-step of textile production (spinning, weaving, washing, etc) and for every step it is laid down which processing aids may (not) be used, in order to gain as much environmental profit as possible.

FAIR TRADE is also a fundamental part of the GOTS certification. The Social and Fair Trade Certificate guarantees that disadvantaged producers in the developing world in the entire supply chain get a better deal by covering the producer’s cost of sustainable production and establishing a Fairtrade Premium which is invested in social, economic or environmental improvement projects.

Our accreditations and recognitions ensure that your organic product and systems have the highest possible integrity.

Ingeo™ Ingenious materials from plants not oil (information below taken from )

Sourcing Ingeo Raw Materials – Is not made from oil.  Uses dextrose (sugar) from field corn as the primary feedstock, but can be made from any abundantly available sugar. Does not require gentically modified (GM) feedstock.

We Choose GMO FREE Ingeo Material – Ingeo is made from dextrose (sugar) that is derived from field corn already grown for many industrial & functional end-uses.  In North America, corn has been used first because it is the most economically feasible source of plant starches. The process does not require corn, we only need a sugar source.  This could include sugar beets, sugar cane, wheat and more.

If you are still reading when you get to this sentence then I would like to personally thank you for being educated and happy to pay a little more to be assured that you have certified organic products that are safe for you, your family and the environment. T H A N K   Y O U   Jannine Barron – Founder

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Why Organic

Why Is Organic Cotton Better?

– The fabric lasts longer
– The fabric is more absorbent
– No bleaching or Harsh chemical have been used AT ALL on this product.

The conventional cultivation of cotton leads to massive environmental and health problems. Around the world, more toxic insecticides are used on cotton than on any other crop. A sustainable alternative is the certified organic cultivation.

So serious are the negative impacts of chemical-intensive agricultural production, that momentum for change has grown considerably in recent years. The trend toward more environmentally friendly production methods is supported by a variety of interests including farmers wanting to escape the chemical treadmill, enlightened companies under pressure of increased environmental regulation and competition, and informed consumers calling for greater social and environmental accountability.

People like YOU can be thanked for the growth in the organic cotton industry. YOU have been prepared to put your dollars where your thoughts are and this has allowed the industry to be economically viable for farmers.

Organic cotton is produced in organic agricultural systems that produce food and fibre according to clearly established standards. Organic agriculture prohibits the use of toxic and persistent chemical pesticides and fertilizers, as well as genetically modified organisms. It seeks to build biologically diverse agricultural systems, replenish and maintain soil fertility, and promote a healthy environment.

Certification of Organic Cotton

Our Organic Cotton is Ceritified by GOTS. see  for more details. By only using certified organic cotton, you can be assured of our integrity and the integrity of the product.

Certification is a system which sets standards, ensures that organic standards are met and communicates compliance to consumers through appropriate labelling. When a grower or processor is “certified organic,” an independent organisation has verified that the company meets or exceeds defined organic standards. Certified organic farms are inspected regularly and must maintain comprehensive records of their production methods.

Certification programmes and standards vary, especially in response to regional differences, although there are general underlying concepts. The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) has produced Basic Standards covering organic production and also textile processing which provide a minimum basis upon which standards in many countries have been based. The International Organic Accreditation Service (IOAS) also exists to accredit certification systems. There are many certification agencies worldwide for organic cotton production but far fewer for certifying cotton processing to assure reduced health and environmental impacts. Several sets of processing standards exist in Europe (KRAV and GOTS for example), and others are being developed in Europe and in the United States, Australia and most countries now.

The Expanding Organic Cotton Market

Organic cotton is now grown in 18 countries but still represents only a tiny fraction of the total global cotton production – less than 0.1%. The biggest producers in 2001 were Turkey, the United States, India and Peru. Smaller experimental projects are also expanding in size and numbers.

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Online Stockists

Australian Stores | Australian Online Stockists | International Stockists

# Store Website
A Baby
All Nature
And They Lived Green (New Zealand)
Australian Organic Products
Baby Baby Online
Baby Barn Discounts
Baby Beehinds
Baby Gift Works
Baby Setup
Baby Village
Biome Living
Birth Partner
Bizzy Bubs
Blessed Earth
Bubba and You
Button & Thread Organics
Buy Organics Online
Cleanse Skincare
Cloth Nappies Down Under
Cotton Bottom
Eco Child
Eco Mania
Ecotree Baby
Eternal Source
Good Food For Me
Hamper & Hamper
Hayden + Chloe
Heal Yourself Australia
Healthy Being Online Pty Ltd
Hello Charlie
Herbal Serenity
Home Fresh Organics
Little Earth Nest
Lil Footprints Hampers
Little Treasures n Trinkets
Little Green Collective
Little Green Footprints
Little Greenie
Little Human Home
Little Treasures n Trinkets
My Home Pantry
My Natural Baby
Naturally Home
Nest 2 Me
Organic Babe & Kids Wear
Organic Evolution Store
Organic Mums and Bubs
Organics on a Budget
Organics Oz
Our Organic Pantry & Beauty
Pharmacy Online Alexandria
Regain Psychology
Richiam Organics
Sassy Organics
Sustainable Parenting Association
Tetra Tea Tree
That’s Healthy
The Farmacy Healthstore
The Goodness Store
The Organic Basket
The Organic Hub and Kids Treasure Box
The Organic Store
The Natural Gift Box Co
The SOL Group
Tiny Tots Mums n Lots
The Tiny Tot Box
Trendy Toddler
Vibrant Health Organics
Wangaratta Wholefoods/Regional Organics
Wellness Home and Life
You The Earth & Me
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International Stockists

Australian Stores | Australian Online Stockists | International Stockists

New Zealand | Malaysia | USA

New Zealand

# Store Website
And They Lived Green


# Store Website
Itsy Bitsy Baby


# Store Address Website
Sprouts San Francisco 1828 Union Street
San Francisco, CA 94123
(415) 359-9205
Mon – Sat: 10 – 7
Sunday & Holidays: 11 – 5
Sprouts – Mill Valley 12 Miller Ave
Mill Valley, CA 94941
(415) 389-1312
Mon – Sat: 10 – 6
Sunday & Holidays: 11 – 5
Sprouts – Palo Alto Town & Country Village
855 El Camino Real #11
Palo Alto, CA 94301
Mon – Sat: 10 – 7
Sun & Holidays: 11 – 5
Sprouts – Chicago 1943 W. Division Street @ Damen
Chicago, IL 60622
(773) 489-0009
Mon – Sat: 10 – 6
Sunday & Holidays: 11 – 5
Sprouts – Brooklyn 376 Court Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231
(718) 488-8200
Mon – Sat: 10 – 7
(Winter Hours: 10 – 6)
Sun & Holidays: 11 – 5
Sprouts – Salt Lake City Showroom Visit by appointment.
Salt Lake City, Utah
(877) 388-9205
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Order Tracking

How To Track Your Order

Once you place your order you will receive an order confirmation email. Once we ship your parcel, you will receive a second email informing you that your parcel has been shipped. This shipping notification includes your order tracking number.

Track your order status on our website

First: Log into your account.

You can track your order status at any time by selecting ‘my account’ on the top right menu.
Click on “My Account” select ‘order history and details’ to view the shipping tracking and status on your order.   

How to Track Your Parcel 

There are two shipping options to select from: 

Standard – Fastway Couriers 

When you select your parcel to be posted by Standard Post it will be shipped with Fastway Couriers. Once your order has been shipped your will recieve a shipping confirmation email within this email you will receive an parcel tracking number for Fastway.
To track your fastway parcel please visit the Fastway Track and Trace website

Express Post  & International Orders – Australia Post 

When you select your parcel to be posted by Express Post it will be shipped with Australia Post. Once your order has been shipped you will receive a shipping confirmation email. Within this confirmation you will receive an parcel tracking number for Australia Post.

To track your Australia Post parcel please visit the Australia Post tracking website


Haven’t Received Your Parcel

If you do not receive your parcel try tracking it first in the methods described above. If you require further assistance please phone us on 1300 555 632 or email

We will then contact the company directly and find out where your parcel is for you.

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Ordering Information

How to enjoy online baby shopping at Nature’s Child

Here is a short guide to our online shopping features that make our website easy to use. Online baby shopping is a lot of fun and there are great bargains to be found.

Below you can read about:

How to navigate our site and enjoy online shopping
Our Guarantee
Your Account
Bulk Buy
Order and Return Policy
Shipping & Delivery Time
Loyalty Points
Privacy Policy
Payment Methods
Secure shopping on-line
Gift Wrapping
International Orders
How to give us Feedback

How to navigate our site and enjoy online shopping

The quickest way to shop is by using our search feature. If your item is not found, please check the spelling or try an associated term. Eg: Baby Wraps will show you all brands of baby wrap.

If you prefer to browse and see what catagories of products are available, select a Major Category from the top navigation bar. Eg pregnancy, baby, tween etc.

A list of sub categories will be displayed either in a drop down menu or in the sub menu once you have click on the above word.

You can scroll through all products from this page or refine your search further by click on the sub category again.

Once you have found the products you need, choose the quantity, size and colour of the item you like at the shop, then click the ‘add to cart’ button. The information will immediately display in the right hand navigation column so you can keep track of your items. Once you have finished shopping, simply click on the checkout’ button on the right hand navigation column.

Once you are at the checkout, you can choose to send your order to us with instant credit card or paypal. Alternatively, you can phone or direct debit your payment. If you have any questions when baby shopping at any time, please phone us or live chat during business hours 9 – 5, 6 days a week on 1300 555 632

Our Guarantee

Nature’s Child provides quality, eco-friendly products for natural pregnancy, babies and children. Our products are made from the heart, care for the earth and encourage individuality, self-esteem, trust and creativity. We sell consumables that are both convenient and earth-friendly. Our products contain ingredients and/or intentions that respect the above.

Products are also chosen personally by our owner as being useful and practical and SAFE for our babies. We seek out eco-friendly manufacturers of high quality and eco-friendly business principles. We look for eco-friendly products that can be reused and recycled by friends and relatives when the product is no longer useful to you. If there is any accidental fault with any product, please return it to Nature’s Child so we can replace the product. We send most of our parcels through Australia Post in non-city areas as they deliver to every town in Australia. We ship by courier where possible as this is quick, efficient and traceable. If your courier does not give you fast, efficient service, please let us know so we can talk to the company on your behalf. We are only interested in using friendly, quick delivering service providers. We appreciate feedback on delivery from our customers.

My Account

My Account is a convenient place where you can view new and old orders. Every order you place with Natures Child is stored in “My Account”. You can do the following with the “My Account” Feature.

  1. Orders:
    Access and view your present and past orders with ease.
  2. Reorder:
    This is ideal if you order the same product regularly. Simply Click My orders to view orders and then click Reorder for order you wish to repeat. You can still add other items to your shopping cart when using this feature.
  3. Addresses:
    You can set up multiple addresses and name them. Eg: mums house, work address
  4. Personal Information:
    You can update your own personal information. Moving house? New password or new email? Just click on personal details to update.
  5. Vouchers:
    If you have a promo or Gift Voucher to use, simply click here to view
  6. Wishlist:
    Set up one or multiple wishlists and access them anytime next time you visit Nature’s Child, simply log in to your account.

Bulk Buy

Our Bulk Buy category is a place where you can get permanent bargains and bundled packages from our suppliers. Please check this section regularly as it will change and short term offers will be available there.

Order and Return Policy

We hope you are delighted with your purchase but if you are not, here’s what you can do…

Mistakes and faults…. Some things are our responsibility!

We check all of our goods before they leave our premises so faults and wrong items are unlikely to occur. However, due to natural error of human error sometimes mistakes are made. If we have made an error, please let us know so we can fix it. We can offer you a reply paid address so an exchange can happen at no cost to you. Please phone us on 1300 555 632 for this information.

Step 1: Please check your receipt and order carefully in case the error was at your end.

Step 2: Phone or email customer service on 1300 555 632 and

If it is not our error, here are your refund and exchange options.:

Refund – 14 days from date of purchase

You can request a refund if you change your mind or receive an incorrect item.

Please return the unused, packaged goods in excellent condition for resale WITHIN 14 DAYS at your expense to the address below.

Goods received after 14 days of sale will not be eligible for a refund, but can be exchanged.

Goods not in resale condition will be partly refunded.

Faults – 3 months from date of purchase

Nature’s Child will happily assist you with a faulty product if the fault occurs within 3 months of purchase. Each manufacturer has their own guarantee system so please contact us BEFORE you return goods to us, as we may have to direct you to the manufacturer.

Nature’s Child will assist you at every stage to ensure satisfaction is promptly received with any product faults. We cannot assist you with any faults that occur 3 months after purchase but we can try if you feel you still wish to speak to us.

Please understand that Nature’s Child cannot be held responsible for every product fault, however, we shall always do our best to assess each situation and assist communication with the manufacturer.

Not all faults that occur within 3 months can be assisted, individual circumstances always apply but we can assure you will be go out of our way as much as possible to assist. We can only do our best!

Exchange A – 21 days. New condition only

1. Yes! You can change the size, colour, style or item. Our only condition is that you MUST return the unused, unwashed item in resale condition within 21 days of purchase. Packaging in good condition must also be returned. All exchanges are at your own expense unless it is a Nature’s Child processing error. An additional postal charge for the new item will be charged before being sent. Exchanges that meet the above conditions within 21 days of purchase will receive an exchange to the full amount of the cost of the original item, excluding postage.

Exchange B – Extended Limit – 6 months. New condition only

2. We understand that some items are purchased during your pregnancy and may be unsuitable once your baby arrives. Please check your date of purchase carefully before contacting us because we do not exchange at all after 6 months from date of purchase.

3. Proof of purchase is essential for any goods to be exchanged. All your invoices are stored in your “My Account” section on line so can be easily found.

4. If you return goods without packaging, that have been used or marked in storage, we trust you understand that a full credit will not be possible. Items which have been used or laundered cannot be refunded in full. A resale value price will be offered to you in the instance. THIS OFFER ONLY APPLIES T0 GOODS PURCHASED WITHIN 6 MONTHS OF RETURN. We regret we are unable to assist you after this time.

PLEASE PHONE CUSTOMER SERVICE ON 1300 555 632 for assistance with all returns and exchanges. Returned items of any standard may not be eligible for echange without prior communication.

Shipping & Delivery

Australian Postage Charges FLAT RATES from Nature’s Child
$9.95 Flat Rate (Most Areas)
$14.95 Express Delivery (Most Areas)
$7 Remote Distance Charge (Tas, SA, WA, NT, Vic)
$8 Large Parcel Charge over 5kgs

International Orders
$10 USA Customs Security Charge

Most products will be shipped within 48 hours of receiving your order in Australia. This means you will receive your parcel within 4 – 7 days, depending on where you live. If there is any reason your parcel cannot leave promptly, we will contact you via phone or email immediately to explain why.

Within Australia you can select from standard postage – up to 7 days or express postage – 1-2 days delivery. Express Post to SA and WA can take 5 days as we are posting from a Regional Area. Please choose the best option for you at the check out.

Loyalty Points

We appreciate you choosing Nature’s Child as your preferred online baby shopping site so we love to say thank you with loyalty points. We reward you for every dollar you spend with us. 1 Loyalty Point is applied for every $25 spent with us. Loyalty Points can only be redeemed with on-line orders only. Loyalty Points are applied within 24 hours of your successful payment on-line, and will then be ready to redeem. Let them bank up or use them as you go.


We understand that baby shopping requires research so we encourage you to consider your purchases carefully which is why we have created a wishlist.

You need to create an account to use your wishlist. Do this by simply clicking the word wishlist on the right hand navigation column and this will take you to a page to register. Once you are registered, take note of your password as you will use this every time you shop with us. It is very easy to add and remove items from your wishlist at any time. This is a private list that you can refer back to from time to time until you are ready to order or share with friends.

Once you are registered, take note of your password as you will use this every time you shop with us. It is very easy to add and remove items from your wishlist at any time. This is a private list that you can refer back to from time to time until you are ready to order or share with friends.

Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy and hold your personal information confidentially. We do not sell, rent or exchange our customer’s names. Your account and sales history can only be accessed by yourself or any family you give your online password to.

Payment Methods


International Orders

Payment for your purchase may be made on line using Visa, Mastercard or American express using Paypal. You can also use direct credit card payments with Visa or Mastercard. We can also accept international money orders but we do not accept personal cheques. Thank you.

Secure Shopping

On-line Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption technology ensures information is safely encrypted (or scrambled). This means SSL encrypts your order including your credit card number prior to sending them to the online retailer. This sophisticated encryption process ensures that prying eyes are unable to decode your personal data when it travels from your computer to us and ensures your privacy & the integrity of your order. SSL is the system that is used by all reputable online retailers. It is compatible with all internet browsers. Check the bottom right of the screen to ensure you see the padlock symbol which guarantees SSL shopping on any website.


The most cost efficient way to ship is in satchels provided by Australia Post and Courier Companies. These companies now use. Number 4 Plastic which can be recycled by most councils. Please check your council recycle guide to ensure you can discard this plastic in your recycling.

If you order a bottle or Jar from us, our first choice at Nature’s Child will be to pack it in shredded paper in a box. If you receive it in Plastic bubble wrap instead, it will be because someone has sent me bubble wrap and I prefer to recycle it instead of throw it away. Please do the same. Please re-use any other packaging that arrives to you from us.

If you have any suggestions about how we can improve our packaging to be more earth-friendly, we would love to hear from you. And I know that some of my manufactures are struggling to come up with more sustainable ideas for their product packaging and would love to hear from you too! That goes for any suggestions you can help us with to make us honourably earth-friendly!

Meeting consumer demands of packaging and quality control is still challenging for some manufacturers of eco-friendly products. Some products are still arriving to us in plastic packaging because they see little alternative at the present for protecting their product in the post or for merchandising at present. In such cases, they have made efforts to use bags that can be recycled – so if you receive a product in a plastic bag, please recycle by re-using these bags for as long as possible.

Gift Wrapping

You will be offered the option to select gift wrapping at our check out at the small cost of $3.95. It’s that simple. And remember, if you can’t decide what to buy, choose a gift voucher.

Your Opinion Counts and we welcome your feedback.

Please visit our contact us page

We want to know what you think! Please send any comments, ideas for products we should add or suggestions for improvements:

Thank You!

We appreciate your business and look forward to providing you with the best selection of natural and organic baby products on the Internet.

Nature’s Child copyright @ 2015 Po box 1040 Byron Bay NSW 2481 Australia 1300 555 632

“One purchase cannot change the world’s environmental crisis, but one purchase can influence human behaviour enough to impact a series of events that can. For our future survival, we must seek and offer sustainable solutions, the heart of which involves re-cycling more, eliminating chemical use and wasting less.” Jannine Barron, Founder: Nature’s Child

Thank you for baby shopping with Nature’s Child online organic baby store.

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Order and Return Policy

We hope you are delighted with your purchase but if you are not, if we have made an error, please let us know so we can fix it. 


Mistakes and faults…. Some things are our responsibility!

We check all of our goods before they leave our premises so faults and wrong items are unlikely to occur. However, due to natural or human error sometimes mistakes are made. If we have made an error, please let us know so we can fix it.

We can offer you a reply paid address so an exchange can happen at no cost to you or we may offer you a great deal to keep it. Please email us with a photo of the problem to

Step 1: Check your receipt and order carefully in case the error was at your end.

Step 2: Email customer service on 1300 555 632 and

If it is not our error, here are your options for refund and exchange…

Refund – 14 days from date of purchase

You can request a refund if you change your mind or receive an incorrect item. Please email us before you return any goods. Return the unused, packaged goods in excellent condition for resale WITHIN 14 DAYS at your expense to the address below. Goods received after 14 days of sale will not be eligible for a refund, but can be exchanged. Goods not in resale condition will be partly refunded. Faults – 3 months from date of purchase.

Nature’s Child will happily assist you with a faulty product if the fault occurs within 3 months of purchase. Each manufacturer has their own guarantee system so please contact us before you return goods to us, as we may have to direct you to the manufacturer.

Nature’s Child will assist you at every stage to ensure satisfaction is promptly received with any product faults. We cannot assist you with any faults that occur 3 months after purchase but we can try if you feel you still wish to speak to us.

Please understand that Nature’s Child cannot be held responsible for every product fault, however, we shall always do our best to assess each situation and assist communication with the manufacturer. We do our very, very best to make sure you are happy if your story is genuine.

Not all faults that occur within 3 months can be assisted, individual circumstances always apply but we can assure you will go out of our way as much as possible to assist. We can only do our best!

Return Address: PO Box 1040, Byron Bay NSW 2481 OR 3/9-11 Centennial Circuit, Byron Bay NSW 2481


Exchange Terms

1. New condition only. 
2. We understand that some items are purchased during your pregnancy and may be unsuitable once your baby arrives. Please check your date of purchase carefully before contacting us because we do not exchange at all after 6 months from date of purchase.
3. Proof of purchase is essential for any goods to be exchanged. All your invoices are stored in your “My Account” section on line so can be easily found.
4. If you return goods without packaging, that have been used or marked in storage, we trust you understand that neither a refund or credit will be possible. Items which have been used or laundered cannot be refunded in full. A resale value price will be offered to you in the instance.

This offer only applied to good purchased within 6 months of return. We regret we are unable to assist you after this time. 

PLEASE PHONE CUSTOMER SERVICE ON 1300 555 632 for assistance with all returns and exchanges. Good returned without prior communication may not be eligible for exchange.

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Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions of use

  1. You agree to ensure that your registration details are true and accurate at all times and you undertake to update your registration details when they change.
  2. Nature’s Child service is primarily to provide easy, eco-friendly shopping for pregnancy, babies, children and adults. We also provide educational resources in varied media to educate, inform and empower parents and the community.
  3. All prices are in Australian Dollars (AUD) and are inclusive of GST for Australia and exclusive of GST outside Australia.
  4. You are permitted to download a copy of the information on this website to your computer for your personal use only provided that you do not delete or change any copyright symbol, trade mark or other proprietary notice. Your use of our content in any other way infringes our intellectual property rights.
  5. Except as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), you are not permitted to copy, reproduce, republish, distribute or display any of the information on this website without our prior written permission. In other words, please ask first, it’s polite.
  6. The licence to access and use the information on our website does not include the right to use any data mining robots or other extraction tools. The licence also does not permit you to metatag or mirror our website without our prior written permission. We reserve the right to serve you with notice if we become aware of your metatag or mirroring of our website.
  7. This website may from time to time contain hyperlinks to other websites. Such links are provided for convenience only and we take no responsibility for the content and maintenance of or privacy compliance by any linked website. Any hyperlink on our website to another website does not imply our endorsement, support, or sponsorship of the operator of that website nor of the information and/or products which they provide.
  8. The copyright to all-content on this website including applets, graphics, images, layouts, all trade marks, brands and logos generally identified either with the symbols TM or ® and text belongs to us or we have a licence and/or permission to use those materials.
  9. Any comment, feedback, idea or suggestion (called “Comments”) which you provide to us through this website can be used to promote our website, products and services. Thank you.
  10. To the extent permitted by law, any condition or warranty, which would otherwise be implied into these terms and conditions, is excluded.
  11. We take all due care in ensuring that our website is free of any virus, worm, Trojan horse and/or malware, however we are not responsible for any damage to your computer system which arises in connection with your use of our website or any linked website.
  12. From time to time we may host third party content on our website such as articles, advertisements and endorsements belonging to other traders. Responsibility for the content of such material rests with the owners of that material and we are not responsible for any errors or omissions in such material.
  13. We accept no liability for any loss whatsoever including consequential loss suffered by you arising from non-delivery of goods; however, we will do our very best to track and trace your parcel on your behalf. We will then assist in insurance claims if necessary to ensure your goods are received, replaced or refunded by freight carrier that loses your goods.
  14. By accessing our website, you agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from all claims, actions, damages, costs and expenses including legal fees arising from or in connection with your use of products or information from our website.
  15. These terms and conditions are to be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Australia and any claim made by either party against the other which in any way arises out of these terms and conditions will be heard in Australia and you agree to submit to the jurisdiction of those Courts.
  16. We undertake to take all due care with any information which you may provide to us when accessing our website. However we do not warrant and cannot ensure the security of any information, which you may provide to us. Information you transmit to us is entirely at your own risk although we undertake to take reasonable steps to preserve such information in a secure manner.