Here are our 5 Top Tips for a Safe Summer. Get your Baby Swim and Sunscreen in Summer
Baby Swimming is part of our culture in Australia. We have the weather, environment and the pools to make it easy and fun. Being aware of basic swim safety precautions that will help you minimise the safety risks for your baby. Baby Swim and Baby Sunscreen in Summer.
1 – Talk to your children about swim safety. Babies know and understand more than we realise so this simple awareness from talking about the ocean and the pool to normalise safe behaviour is one of the best things a parent or carer can do.
2 – FUN: While we all want our kids to be safe, the main reason to spend time in the water is to have fun and cool off! So be sure to talk about safety and act safe with all sensible precautions but have fun! A qualified swim teacher teaches babies to swim with games to ensure fun and safety always go together
3 – CONFIDENCE: We are not all meant to be olympic swimmers. Gaining confidence in being buoyant and keeping heads above water is the first step while enjoying themselves.
4- SWIMMERS: All pools require a baby to wear a swim nappy. Reusable swim nappies are environmentally sustainable, simple to use and economically sound. Avoid disposables completely if possible by being organised in advance with a good pair of cute swimmers that you enjoy dressing your baby in. Again, it’s about fun and good design. Grab a wet bag as well as swimmers to ensure wet items are separated in your nappy bag.
5 – SKIN SAFETY: The Aussie sun can be harsh but so can standard sunscreens. What is safer? Getting burnt in the sun or placing chemical based sunscreens on our skin? Luckily we don’t have to choose. Safe Baby Sunscreens that are just as good for the whole family, not just babies! Made by Australian Companies are easily available here.
If you are looking for a Baby Swim Teacher in Australia. Try your local swimming pool or this useful website for qualified teachers.