Its like every other day, I come into work and am delighted by all my on line orders. But today, I am alerted to a different kind of order. A student needs 12 of our certified organic bottom balm overnight as they are flying out of Australia the next day. There is something else I recognize about the order, the name is Chinese. I immediately understand what is happening as we get these orders regularly. We ship the order express post. Mission accomplished before the flight leaves back to China.
You see, this order was not for the person who purchased it, it is one of the growing number of on line orders we get for students who are visiting Australia for as little as 7 days for a “shopping trip”. They have been paid by a number of Chinese families to pick up organic baby products specificially Made in Australia for their babies that they cannot get easily in China.
Another order comes from New York. I start a chat with this mother as I am intrigued about how she found out about us. I often like to create a conversation with overseas clients as it helps us prevent on line fraud. “I found out about you on instagram” she tells me. “we love the purity of Australian Products” Well there you go! It is very exciting shipping to New York, one of the fashion capitalis of the world and to know that a little bit of Nature’s Child and Byron Bay is being used on little American babies.
Just like China, Americans love Australian made products. China and the USA perceive Australia as having high-quality products and their massive populations create a massive opportunity.
Journalist Charis Chang has been following the shopping trends of the Chinese in Australia. She says that “Businesses are now waking up to the buying power of the Chinese, who tend to shop as a recreational activity and are willing to drop large amounts of money on luxury products”
According to the latest Australian Organic Market Report 2017 new organic categories are driving the 15%+ growth in the $1.72 billion organic industry. The industry was valued at $947 million in 2010
Chairman Andrew Monk says that “For the first time, we asked consumers their reasoning behind choosing organics with 49% of respondents claiming that they first purchased certified organics as they became aware of the impact food, fibre and cosmetics may have on their health. 16% began buying organic specifically because of a health crisis,”
With demand for organics outstripping supply by 40%, the Australian retail market for certified organic products is also expected to continue on this growth path with private label products, certified organic processed foods and greater affordability driving this trajectory.
Meanwhile, on line stores like Nature’s Child are attracting buyers from all Australian states as well as countries like the USA and China.