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Naturopath, Reine Du Bois, has had a long term association with Nature’s Child as our in-house naturopath and has her own centre THE HEALTH LODGE in Byron Bay. Her online naturopathic service is highly recommended by all of us here at Nature’s Child.

Reine has answered some common questions for us that new mothers may have. Is your question here?


Naturopathy is based on the principle that the natural laws of life apply inside the body as well as outside. It uses a range of natural approaches including diet and herbs and encourages exposure to sun and fresh air to maximise the body’s natural responses. This system of healing aims to provide holistic or whole body healthcare by drawing on treatment methods from several traditional systems of medicine.

Frequently Asked Pregnancy Questions:

Q. What oil is safe to use for perineum massage?

A. A simple organic almond or avocado oil. Try to avoid essential oils as they can sometimes be too stimulating.

Q. What natural remedies are safe to use during labour?

A. Sipping Raspberry leaf tea with a little ginger helps the uterus to make the most of each contraction; Arnica 30c helps to keep you focussed and calm; Rescue Remedy assists if you start to doubt your body’s ability to complete the journey and it keeps you grounded.

Q . What can I do to relieve heartburn?

A. It is very common to experience heartburn during the second part of pregnancy. It may not necessarily get worse but could continue for the next three months. Here are some suggestions that can help:

Q. How can I help the symptoms of colic?

A. Drink organic chamomile and fennel tea 15 minutes before feeding. The baby can also be given tiny amounts via a dropper before feeds. Mum should also look after her diet as certain foods can create extra wind for newborn babies.

Want to know more about Naturopathy?

The first step is to educate yourself. See your local library or subscribe to some of the wonderful magazines and websites that have a family focus on natural healing to help grow and expand your awareness.

My Personal Recommendation by Jannine Barron

I have personally used the services of Reine Du Bois for many years for my whole family so she comes highly recommended by me. Reine practises online as a virtual naturopath. View her website at In my own personal experience of treating my childrens’ illnesses and imbalances with homeopathics, herbs and healing arts such as craniosacral, kinesiology and more, I feel I have developed a profound and natural understanding of myfamily’s bodies and how we can operate at optimum health. Naturopathy is our first port of call with any illness and I encourage all families wanting to live a natural lifestyle to take this journey.

If you are interested in working with both doctors and naturopaths as I am, I encourage you to explore Reine’s work on Integrative Health. View this link at her website:

I am proud and honoured to sit on the board of THE HEALTH LODGE and look forward to a new era in health for all of us where Wholistic Medical Care is the norm.


Homœopathy is a system of medicine that is as equally interesting and challenging. It views every sick person as having a unique set of traits and life circumstances that will effect healing. It also acknowledges the body’s (or nature’s) ability to self-heal. The homoeopathic remedies work by stimulating the body to self-heal i.e. they work together with the body and not against it. Homœopathy can be of use in issues that arise pre and post birth; morning sickness; delays in milk coming through; difficulty feeding; mastitis; and post-natal depression, to name a few. We highly recommend The Ankhara Rose Therapeutics Birth and Beyond Homœopathic kit which contains 10 of the most commonly used remedies in pregnancy, birth and lactation. It also provides an easy to use booklet designed to help any pregnant woman, doula, midwife or mother confidently prescribe her own remedy. Please contact