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Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

Avoids List for Every Expecting Parent-to-be…

Depending on where you live in the world, what’s the bet you get told: “Do this, do that. Avoid this, avoid that”. So much so, we start freaking out when we’re pregnant, paranoid at the sight of food and even at the thought of sitting next to someone with a sniffle. Well, bubbles don’t exist but please don’t let this ruin your magical journey. Instead, we’re arming you with no-fuss general recommendations and supplying you with the rightful foods to avoid during pregnancy. Here’s to a happy, healthy (and relaxed) birthing journey!

Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy

  • Raw meat, raw fish, deli meats, raw egg, undercooked chicken all pose a risk of contamination with coliform bacteria, listeria, salmonella and toxoplasmosis.
  • Soft cheeses such as camembert, brie, blue vein and queso blanco can contain listeria.
  • Fish with possible higher levels of mercury include tuna, shark, barracuda, swordfish and king mackerel.
  • Shellfish may contain higher levels of industrial pollutants.
  • Caffeine is a stimulant and can inhibit the absorption of iron. Should be avoided during pregnancy, especially in 1st
  • Sugars, artificial sweeteners, refined carbohydrates and deep-fried foods are to be avoided to minimise food additive exposure, reduce the risk of gestational diabetes as well as excessive weight gain.
  • Acidic, fatty and spicy foods may aggravate morning sickness (1st trimester) and heartburn (3rd trimester).
  • Avoid alcohol, cigarette smoke, recreational drugs and over the counter prescription medications and toxic chemicals (some household cleaning products) for the duration of pregnancy and breastfeeding. Instead, check out our eco-cleaning products.
  • Check out our post on Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy for a complete naturopathic guide for every trimester.
  • For further information, check out Healthline’s 11 Food and Beverages to Avoid During Pregnancy.
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