The day has come when your precious baby arrives…but hang on a second, what is that rash? What are
those pimples? What happened to the perfect idea of fresh unblemished skin on my newborn? Skin
conditions that are very common in newborn babies and in most case there is no need to worry. If you are
concerned, check with your baby health care nurse or doctor. For a quick reference guide, have a look at
this short list to allay any immediate concerns.
Keeping a jar of ORGANIC WONDER BALM handy will be a quick, natural and organic solution to most of these rashes.
NATURE as always builds in natural protection against most newborn baby rashes. It is called VERNIX and it is the gooey looking substance on a new babies skin when they are born. We recommend NOT wiping away your the vernix so quickly on your newborn baby. Vernix is your baby’s first beauty product! The thick substance acts as a sealant, shielding the baby’s skin from the drying effects of amniotic fluid. Without vernix, your precious newborn would look like a big ol’ wrinkled prune. Often a midwife will wipe this away so you can see your babies face once they are born, but if left on the skin, Vernix is nature’s protection. Because this is standard hospital practice – you need to mention this in your birth plan if you don’t want this to happen.
Baby Acne
Also known as ‘milk pimples’ which can last from as little as a few days to 5 weeks in some babies. Don’t use cleanser or any other adult techniques. It is perfectly normal for many babies to experience this and it generally does not irritate them. If your baby’s skin is dry and flaky alongside the pimples, then you can use a product such as organic wonder balm to reduce dryness and calm their skin.
Nappy Rash
Cradle cap can happen when there is baby’s scalp produce excess oil. When the dead skin cells fall off the baby’s skin, they stick to the oil and stay on the scalp. These oil secretions will normally clear up after the hormones normalise. You can read more about it here
Heat Rash
Heat rash is common in the hottest months, or when a parent accidentally overdresses a baby they think is cold. The sweat glands in the skin can become blocked and swollen, causing some itchiness. It isn’t harmful and won’t cause too much discomfort for your baby. Check with a health professional if you are concerned.
Eczema – you are really going to need our wonder balm for this one!
It’s hard to know what might cause a baby to have eczema – there are so many possible causes that it is often hard to pinpoint what has caused your baby’s eczema. It could be a food allergy, a reaction to something that contacts the skin, and is often exacerbated by heat, and stress. Eczema sometimes goes away as your child grows up, but sometimes it is a lifelong condition.
Here is an excerpt from great article on bubhub about eczema and we recommend the article for more details on all 4 topics above if you need more details.
- Itchy, dry, rough skin.
- Most often on baby’s cheeks or in the creases of their joints.
- Can have little bumps that ooze when scratched – and can become infected easily.
- Excessive scratching can lead to scarring on the skin.
How to treat
- Moisturise. Ask your doctor to recommend a good moisturiser.
- Bath your baby in lukewarm water – too hot and it might irritate the baby’s skin.
- Help them to not scratch – trim nails, or put mittens on their hands (socks work well too).
- Only use mild, fragrance-free soaps, moisturisers, and washing detergents.
- Only use soap where you baby is dirty – try to only use water otherwise.
- Don’t over-dress them with clothes or blankets – the heat can cause a flare-up.
Article by Jannine Barron