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Crisis is one of the number one factors for people choosing

The Australian Organic Market Report has been published for 2017 based on research by the Mobium Group, Swinburne University of Technology and ABS statistics.

Key findings from the 2017 Australian Organic Market Report include:

  • The number of certified organic operations in Australia grew by 5%.
  • The tonnes of organic products exported from Australia grew by 17%.
  • Bakery items showed more than four-fold export growth between 2015 and 2016.
  • Exports of sheep/lamb meat, cosmetics, alcoholic drinks, dairy products and chicken all showed exceptional growth.
  • Australia has 53% of the world’s organic farmland
  • More than two out of three Australian households (63%) purchased one organic product in the past year, with personal health having the strongest influence for the household buyer
  • The top perceived benefits of buying organic include: chemical and additive free, environmentally friendly, free-range and non-GMO
  • Production factors including origin and traceability of food are increasingly important to Australian consumers. Impacts on the environment was a key motivation for 41% of shoppers to start buying organic. New Australian Made Labelling Laws will now give consumers greater transparency and understanding of the true origin of products.
  • Consumers prefer smaller health food and organic stores as trusted sources of certified organic vs the supermarket. This included 70% had the strongest confidence in specialised organic and wholefood stores
  • People aged between 18 – 29), with their preferred shopping method being online via mobile phone
  • Popular organic categories include fresh fruit and veg, followed by dairy, home-cooking ingredients and eggs
  • Growth of sales in organic packaged food & beverages in 2017 is predicted to be 4.3%
  • The awareness of organic certification continues to increase, with two-thirds of shoppers noting that an organic certification mark increases their confidence in purchasing an authentic product. Labelling and packaging deemed the number one source for gaining product information
  • The largest barriers to purchase of organic products remain value, trust and access
    Nature’s Child has been loved as Australia’s first organic baby store since 2000 by Organic Mums and Dads all over Australia. Our Brand can be found in the USA, Malaysia, New Zealand and the UK as well as health food stores and some IGA stores throughout Australia.
  • Nature’s Child is the premier voice and authority on organic integrity in the baby industry in Australia. You can contact Nature’s Child at to stock our premium certified organic baby skincare and organic cotton for your store.To view the report in full visit: can download your copy of the report australian organic market report
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Our Certification

Nature’s Child Skincare is proudly Certified by ACO. Australian Certified Organic. This is an internationally recognised certification of the highest quality.

ACO’s certification program and protocols are approved and accredited with the Department of Agriculture & Water Resources, the US Department of Agriculture, IOAS, Japan’s Minister for Agriculture Forestry & Fisheries, Korea’s NQAS’s and SAI Global. 

Australian Certified Organic (ACO) is Australia’s largest certifier for organic and biodynamic produce and has over 1500 operators within its certification system. ACO is a not for profit fully-owned subsidiary of Australia Organic Ltd.

ACO provides certification services to operators from all sectors of the organic industry. Certification ensures compliance with national production standards and allows trace back of all products to their origin.

The Organic Bud is found on an estimated 80% of certified organic products in the Australian marketplace.

Nature’s Child Organic Cotton Breast Pads, Baby Wipes, Face Wipes

Nature’s Child GOTS certification is one of the highest standards of international organic certification.  SKAL – our former certification body has changed its name and broadened its appeal by merging with Controlled Union. This has been a great  development.

Our new GOTS standard for NATURE’S CHILD ORGANIC BABY ESSENTIALS covers the production, processing, manufacturing,  packaging, labeling, exportation, importation and distribution of all natural fibres. The final products may include, but are not limited to fibre products, yarns, fabrics and clothes.

This means that every processing step must meet certain compulsory criteria. The criteria for the production process are laid down in the Global Organic Textile Standards (GOTS). They encompass every process-step of textile production (spinning, weaving, washing, etc) and for every step it is laid down which processing aids may (not) be used, in order to gain as much environmental profit as possible.

FAIR TRADE is also a fundamental part of the GOTS certification. The Social and Fair Trade Certificate guarantees that disadvantaged producers in the developing world in the entire supply chain get a better deal by covering the producer’s cost of sustainable production and establishing a Fairtrade Premium which is invested in social, economic or environmental improvement projects.

Our accreditations and recognitions ensure that your organic product and systems have the highest possible integrity.

Ingeo™ Ingenious materials from plants not oil (information below taken from )

Sourcing Ingeo Raw Materials – Is not made from oil.  Uses dextrose (sugar) from field corn as the primary feedstock, but can be made from any abundantly available sugar. Does not require gentically modified (GM) feedstock.

We Choose GMO FREE Ingeo Material – Ingeo is made from dextrose (sugar) that is derived from field corn already grown for many industrial & functional end-uses.  In North America, corn has been used first because it is the most economically feasible source of plant starches. The process does not require corn, we only need a sugar source.  This could include sugar beets, sugar cane, wheat and more.

If you are still reading when you get to this sentence then I would like to personally thank you for being educated and happy to pay a little more to be assured that you have certified organic products that are safe for you, your family and the environment. T H A N K   Y O U   Jannine Barron – Founder